Thursday, June 14, 2012


I turned 38 today.


I totally remember when I thought that was old.  (Totally... now you know what era I grew up in!)

It was a good day, considering I did nothing but run kids around.

We had volleyball camp this morning, where I first picked up Grace's two BFF's who happen to be twins.

While Grace was at camp, Evan and I ran to the bank, and then to the gas station for these babies.
Yep, that's right, the gas station cookies are my FAVORITE!  I also got some Bert and Ernie ones too.  Don't judge me people...Momma is the ONLY one on her birthday who doesn't get a cake, so I have to provide for myself!

On the way back to get Grace and her two friends, I picked up one of Evan's.

We picked up the three girls at the High School and then added one more who needed to stay with us until the girl's softball game tonight.

We ran to Little Caesar's to get pizza for lunch, headed home, and then we all got BACK in the van to head around the corner to my uncle's house to swim.

I at least got to sun myself and read while they swam in what was very cold water, or so they say.

After swimming, we took the twins home, and Evan's friend got picked up too.  We headed home, ate a quick supper, and headed to the ball diamond for Grace's game.

After the game, we came home, the kids walked their 4-H pigs, and I weeded the garden.

Quite a day.  I'm not disappointed though, tomorrow we're going out to supper.

Now, time to watch History Detectives on DVD...alone.


  1. Happy birthday!! Sounds like your summer is staying busy too.

  2. Happy Happy Birthday and that is not old at all. Now why do yo not get a cake. That's not fair. Go on strike, hah.

  3. Glad you got your Ernie and Bert fix. You deserve it!

  4. You sweet young thang! ;-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you a FUN year with many opportunities to Celebrate You!
    ps - I used to covet those cookies (before I had to go gluten free)


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