Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Skating Party

Tonight was the night!
The all school skating party at the skating rink in Warsaw.
This is THE BIG DEAL at school! Who's gonna ride the bus? Who is the boy/girl you're gonna sit beside on the bus? (My children DON'T ride the bus!) There was a kissing issue the last time, even with parent chaparones. No way will my kids ride the bus!
I guess when I was in elementary school, this was a big deal. I remember begging my parents to go year after year. We didn't always go, but we did go once in awhile. We went to this same skating rink...that's what I can't believe!
Because this is a PTO sponsored event, I'm required to go as PTO president. Grace likes to go, however, so we go anyway.
Evan opted to go home with his best friend and spend time playing rather than hitting the rink.
Year by year, Grace has gotten better. She's not so clumsy on the floor.

This is the night all the popular songs are played, the lights are low so the disco ball can shine,

relays are run, and everyone is smiling, unless they're hitting the ground!

Thank goodness it's only a 2 hour deal. Thank goodness for the other mothers who go, so I have someone to talk to. Thank goodness it only happens twice a year!

I guess I need to look at it from Grace's point of view, my old point of view as an elementary schooler.

She had a great time, that's all that matters.

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