Friday, November 16, 2012

What constitutes a day?

Is it a day at work?

A trip to the grocery store?

Hearing terrible news about an old friend?

How about picking up supper?

How about all of the above?

My day started like this...

a little frosty.  But what should I expect?  It's November after all.

I went to work, went on an impromptu lunch with co-workers...and then heard terrible news about a childhood friend who had died of Lymphoma.  He was 36.
After work I made a trip to the craft store, then to get groceries...

and decided I was too tired to go home and make supper, so stopped at the kid's favorite place on the way home.

Only to come home and see my daughter putting cutie mandarin orange stickers all over herself.

She's 12.  13 in a month and a half.  Seriously.

She cracks herself up most of the time.

But now, it's time to relax.  It's been a stressful week, and I'm leaving the laundry for tomorrow.  And the dishes, and the pancake making for the freezer.  My to do list will have to wait. 

I'm reading, and so what if someone asks me to do something. 

What are you doing on a Friday night?


  1. Sorry about your friend. So young. Hope your week-end goes better.

  2. It sounds like just the kind of day to head home and cozy up with your family. Sorry to hear about your friend...


    PS I'm reading too... after my break reading a couple of blogs!


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