Saturday, March 1, 2014


I don't remember having a "collection" of anything really when I was growing up. 

At least nothing that I LOVED greatly and wanted to decorate my room with. 

Maybe I'm wrong and my mom will correct me on that later.

As a "grown up," my collections have kind of changed over the years.

For awhile it was some longaberger baskets.  Then small glass jars for the kitchen window and small tin lunch boxes.  I had (and still have some) vintage glasses and trinkets.

For now, and for awhile, my main collections have been maps/globes, and aqua mason jars.

I have a lot of both.

And I've displayed them in different ways over the years.

I've gotten my collections passed down to me and I've purchased some myself at garage sales and Goodwill.

I try to only collect the ones that I LOVE because I know too much really is too much.

Displaying them is sometimes challenging, so I try to spread them out all around the house.

I've looked at websites on how to display collections like this site: and Pinterest of course. 

I've checked out books at the library, and favored ones like this:

which you can buy here.

Grace used to have a collection of Eeyore stuffed animals and Brent STILL has a collection of toy tractors. 

What is your collection/love?

1 comment:

  1. Love the map in the window frame and the old photos in the mason jars. I collect vintage tree's a link if you;d like to see them.



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