Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome Night

The first day of school, or in our case, the first night before school (aka Welcome Night) always has mixed emotions, for all three of us.

I started this morning as Kindergarten aide. I've had this same job for the last 4 years. I'm not complaining, it's just hard to break myself back in to the 5:30 wake up calls! We met the new 5 year olds and saw their scared yet exhilarated faces, and just a glimpse of that excitement, however small, started in me too.

I can't help it, I love the thought of school. When it's time to go buy school supplies, crazy as it may sound, I like to buy some too. (I'm a little off, I know...) I'll buy a notebook or two and some pens, and some post it notes. (I DO actually use these at least that's what I'm tellin' myself)

Anyway, back on subject, the kids had Welcome Night tonight, and met their teachers and put their school supplies away, and saw where their desks are, etc. Evan was a little put out by the whole experience....until we went to his classroom...

and he saw his friend Steven.

This boy is just a little bit fickle, or maybe just not easily excited!

Then there was Grace. She's a 5th grader this year.

There was a little bit of embarrassment on her part....I'm not sure why, maybe it's just the age...but she wasn't nearly as thrilled, and kept asking why I was taking her picture. Oh, dear heart, don't you know me by now? I always keep a camera near by.

Anyway, she has a really good teacher this year, and we're both excited!

I basically was only allowed these two pictures. Oh, little does she know there will be a photo shoot tomorrow before we all leave for school. It's tradition after all. Pictures of the two of them on the front porch in the same spot every year with the number of fingers held up for what grade they are in.

I'm just excited they can both pack their own lunches for the most part. Thought that would never come to pass!

So, we're gearing up for an earlier than summer bedtime, and an earlier mornings. Wish us luck.

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  1. The wake up time is the worst part about being back to school. Our hours changed and teachers have to be there at 7 this year instead of 8. Getting out the door by 6:30 is rough!

  2. It is a mom thing to get those classic pics of each new year at will continue through the college days too & then some. Hand the camera to the kids to flash one of you on your first days as well Lorie...just for your scrapbook ya know! Praying all of your family & your extended school family will have a great school year ahead with many memories shared!


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