Monday, July 25, 2011

Fair Countdown....In Reverse Order

It's been awhile since I posted, but I've been living my life at the fair, and I don't have a laptop, so this is the first break I've gotten. It's 6:30am and I'm wide awake, thinking of all we have to do today.

We've been at the fair 3 days already, and I don't know how we're gonna make it. Temps are in the 90's, with not much chance for cool down. The animals are all suffering, we're suffering, and you can't go anywhere without sweating like a pig yourself.

6 more days to go. Really?

So, in David Letterman-like fashion, here is a countdown about fair...

10. Number (at least) of memories over the last 3 days that have come flooding back to me about MY time in 4-H pig club.

9. Total number of days our fair lasts, and we will participate (actually be at the fair) ALL 9 days!

8. The number (at least) of people I was in pig club with, who now have their own kids in it. (I'm sure it's WAY more than that.)

7. Number of animal shows (ours and others) that we will watch this week.

6. Number of lunches I will pack for all of us this week, so that we're not eating EVERY meal at the fair.

5. Number of close friends Grace has to keep her occupied at the fair this week.

4. Place Grace took in Open Show Carcass this past Friday. (She was thrilled! She won $4, which she promptly spent on Tom Thumb Donuts on Sat. morn. when we went in to weigh the pigs)

3. Number of pigs we have at the fair. (Evan took 2, Grace, 1)

2. Number of pigs we will sell at the auction on Friday.

1. Number of talks we've already had with Grace about how chores come BEFORE socializing with friends at the fair.

0. Number of times I've regretted enrolling the kids in the great 4-H program we have, which teaches them responsibility and ownership.

Wish us luck this week. We're gonna need it!


  1. I can't wait to come back...I miss it so much! This is my 10th year I have been OUT! I'm coming tomorrow night for Easton Corbin (sans KIDS!) and then on to the open show on Thurs. It's funny, b/c hubs and I have talked about the food issue when our kiddos get in. How in the WORLD will we get thru the week and PAY for all the FOOD?? We are definitley gonna have to pack. And it's so exciting to have your friends kids' in 4-H now too! We are going to Warsaw fair, so alot of people hubby went to fair with, have kids that will start in it with Wy.

  2. Cute pigs, and you are a trooper....this heat is brutal. I tried to find you on pinterest, but for some reason your name didn't show up. You can try to find me Carrie Eddleman, also on facebook. Take Care & Good Luck at the Fair.

  3. I feel your pain, but it is a GOOD pain. The kind you feel after much hard work that paid off, family time together, deeper friendships, putting others needs before yourself.....Loved the candid photos of Grace & Evan too. Put the same gusto into this week that you had some 20+ yrs. ago as a swine member & it will be a blast! Great job Yoder family!!


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