Friday, August 12, 2011

Fly by the seat of your pants

I'm a heavy reader. You'll find me doing it at different times of day, everyday.

I'm also a terrible morning person. However, each morning before school, I wake up 1/2 hour early so that I can read for a 1/2 hour while I'm eating my breakfast. No one is up but me.

It's nice. And quiet (which never happens in my house.)

And since school starts for us next Tuesday (cry, sob, carry on...) we needed to "stock our reading closet" before our schedule gets too crazy.

I wasn't planning on going to the library today. I needed to dust, and sweep, and make my hubby's birthday cake (birthday Sunday...supper at his mom and dad's tomorrow.) But something changed my mind....I think it was my funny dream last night.

This wonderful woman,, (who I've never met in person, but who I've "bonded" with for over a year now,) was in my dream. I don't know if any of you have read "The Help" yet (I have not, but it's a movie now), but in my dream, me and mamamonki were discussing it on some sidewalk located who knows where. We were talking about it and what place we were at, and we discovered we were reading at the same speed. Crazy, I know. Random. I know that too, but I just thought....LIBRARY.

I've taught my kids to love the library as much as I do. (Praise the Lord!) They like to go for the movies, and sometimes they get a great read...but I go for the armfuls of books.

We each have our own bags. One just isn't enough.

Evan gets the "army" bag, Grace the polka dots, and me, the plain gold and white.

We had a small selection to take back.
Plus this CD, which I recommend to anyone. GREAT music by great Christian artists.
So, we headed to the next town over and went our separate ways, each coming back together with an armful.
We have to pay a yearly fee for our library since we are not residents of that town, but there is no library in our town, so we make do. We visit once a week, which makes it worth it.

I will be one of the last people around with a book in her hand. I will not purchase a Kindle or e-reader, or Nook. Call me a dinosaur, but it's how I roll.

Now, it's time for me to go curl up with my stash.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I am completely bummed that school is starting too. :( it's been such a lovely summer. I love,love The Help! I really want to see the movie, but will probably wait for the DVD. We stocked up at the library this week too. I could live in the library. :)

  2. One of the few things I enjoy about living in town is the free library card. WeeMan and I spend lots of time in the library during the summer. (Of course he doesn't understand the whisper voices yet - but he loves the library)
    So funny that you had that dream. I've been waiting for my friend to finish reading my copy so I can re-read it. Then we're making a girls night of it and going to the movie. I think "The Help" was the best book I read this year.
    Good luck getting ready for school. I know the last few days will fly by. They did for us!

  3. I worked at the town library for 9 years, quitting 2 years ago after 3rd baby was born. I loved it...I was the one that put on the stickers with the barcodes and entered all the info about the book into the computer. I was in my own little corner of the library, surrounded by all the books, just doing my work!! :) My kids love going, too...I just reserved "The Help" a few days ago...hope I don't have to wait too long to get it!


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