The 2011 fair is over.
I will not miss you. Not this year. You were too hot!
We will, however, miss Little Buddy,
and Spike.
I will enjoy my central air conditioning with reckless abandon.
I will try not to think about the fact that school is back in session in exactly 2 weeks.
I will miss the friendly visits with parents of other swine club members as we sit in the hard bleachers watching our children with pride.
I will, no, scratch that, the rest of my family will miss the nightly visits to the dairy barn ice cream shack at the fair.
I will not miss the constant spraying down that we had to do to our pigs so they wouldn't succumb to the heat.
All I can say right now, all that's running through my head is...dare I say it...come on Fall. I dare you to cool down my days, and darken my nights. I'm ready for ya! Bring it on!
I feel you. Our first teacher day is the 11th. Where did summer go?? I won't miss this miserable dry heat, but I'm not ready to go back yet.