Tuesday, April 30, 2013

For lack of a better subject...

There are days I get pretty frustrated.

Frustrated that I don't have enough time to blog everyday.

Frustrated that the tiny little details of each and every day, get wedged in between the important things.

Even though I LOVE my job, even though all the busy paperwork reminds me of when I was a kid and dragged my mom's nightstand into her closet to play office for hours, it still takes up ALOT of hours in my week.

When I try to stuff time in my week for work, sporting events, laundry, making meals, trying to craft things for our first flea market debut, laundry, making things for my etsy shop, laundry, meals, church, responsibilities at church, laundry, grocery shopping, and that ENDLESS laundry...well, you can see it's a little frustrating.

I often want to sit here,
or lay here,
but feel too guilty to take time for myself.

Sunday we had a meeting/lunch for the responsibilities Brent and I have at church, as leaders of our Sunday School class.  The pastor told all of us that BEFORE we take care of the people in our class, we should make sure we are TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES.  We have to feed ourselves spiritually and mentally before we are worth anything.

He's right.

It helped ease my frustration a little.

It still makes me a little irritated that my "free time" doesn't come till the kids go to bed at 9:30 and homework is done, and showers are taken, and supper is cleaned up, and bills are paid.

I'm exhausted most of the time, and I have to wonder if it's just this phase of my life.

I AM ready for summer.  I'm ready for the freedom to go upstairs and work on crafts when I FEEL like it, not when I know I NEED to to complete an assignment.

I want to be a blogger like Meg or Shannan who share their lives with me everyday.  I want to have enough to talk about that you want to hear.

Stick with me people, it's one of my goals.  It's on my list!


  1. Can I just say I second that! AMEN!!

  2. It's so true! I feel the same way.

    Your pillow is the cutest thing ever!!


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