Saturday, June 5, 2010

My never-ending To-Do list

It's 11:22 am, and it is raining cats and dogs here. Literally POURING down rain. THIS is one of my favorite kind of days. I can catch up on chores inside without feeling guilty about doing chores outside. I can also catch up on my to-do list.

Oh, and my son, who is apparently still on school time, just informed me, "It's lunch time MOM!" (capital MOM because he really means it. His stomach doesn't lie when it's time to eat. Today is one of his favorites....grilled cheese, pretzels, and grapes. Grace and Ev are watching the Bee Movie and enjoying the rainy day.)

So, anyway, back to my to-do list. My husband makes fun of me and believes that I couldn't function without one. He's probably right. However, he also does one thing when my to-do list is laying out on the counter, that DRIVES me NUTS. He'll add some things on my list like: LOVE BRENT MORE, or MAKE BRENT SUPPER (like I don't do this every night for him....PLEASE!)

So, in lieu of pictures today, I thought I would share my quirky to-do list, in two parts: To do (RIGHT NOW) and To-do (LONG TERM)

1. Weed the garden (this is totally an ongoing thing)
2. Get things ready for the resale shop
3. Label bins in Grace's closet (do this so she stops pulling them down from the shelf to see
what's inside)
4. Make a cushion for Grace's doll bench
5. Rearrange office
6. Get Serena's (my niece) birthday gift
7. Get groceries (weekly occurrence.....DUH)
8. Call about our hotel reservations
9. Finalize our Chicago plans
10. Mow
11. Get snacks around for Ev's game Monday
12. Pick strawberries/freeze/make jam


1. Make stuff for an etsy shop (I would like this to possibly be my summer income)
2. Rearrange/organize pantry & cupboards
3. Catch up on school/Disney scrapbooks
4. Put up hooks in Ev's room to hang light saber/baseball bat
5. Organize photos and separate CD's from photos
6. Make monthly meal plan

Whew!!! Some of these things are obviously things I do weekly, but I guess I just like to cross things off. I feel much more accomplished.

So, as much as I like tossing my thoughts around so you can read them....I guess I better get busy!

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