Thursday, October 21, 2010

Truth Thursday...Random thoughts from Lorie

Every Thursday (and ONLY on Thursday) during the morning announcements at school, our Principal and one of our fifth grade teachers (who happens to be male...AND Grace's teacher this year) do a "radio show" like performance. Announcements are made, and then jokes that are submitted by kids are read, and then we do a little trivia. Whoever the winner was would get the EASY button (from Staples) for their classroom for the week.

Last year the trivia was different every week. One week it was music trivia and when a song was played, the teachers could call into the Principal's office to name the song and artist. One week it was general trivia that was read. The next week was another kind that I forget, and the last was staff trivia. THAT was the fun week. We all submitted to the fifth grade teacher maybe 6 facts about ourselves that we thought the rest of us didn't know. Then we would try to guess which staff member the trivia was about. The kids LOVED this...and it was fun, but this year we're not doing it, and I miss it.

SO...I've decided that Thursdays will be Truth Thursdays. Random thoughts from Lorie (kinda like deep thoughts by Jack Handy for all you SNL fans!)

Let's begin...

1. The amount of time in hours that I wait for Grace's volleyball practice to be over everynight.

2. Total number of kids I call mine and thank God for everyday!

3. Amount of cars I've actually owned myself in my lifetime.

4. No. of years we've lived in our new home.

5. No. of friends I would HONESTLY tell my deepest darkest secrets to (my sister is #1 on the list!)

6. No. of years of piano lessons I took as a kid.

7. No. of years I stayed home with my kids before I went back to work. (Best choice we ever made!)

8. Total # of years of marriage it took us to pay off Brent's college loans! UGH!!

9 (1/2). No. of years we've been blessed to have Evan in our lives.

10 (1/2). No. of years we've been blessed to have Grace in our lives.

11. Amount in hours, of sleep I wish I got every night!

12. The age I was when I was first allowed to wear eye shadow (a HUGE deal at the time to me)

13. Day in October (10 years ago) that my nephew Landon was born. (It was Friday the 13th)

14. My favorite number since I was a kid! (happens to be my b-day)

15. The age I was when I got my permit to drive. (I CANNOT believe I've now been driving more than HALF my life!)

16. No. of hours I was in labor with Grace.

17. Age I was when I graduated from High School.

18. The age I was when I started college - I thought I was big stuff!

19. The no. of minutes it took me to write 20 random things about myself.

20. Number of scrapbook pages I completed at my getaway weekend 2 weekends ago.

Have a great week!


  1. What a wonderful idea for a school. So sad they stopped doing it--why did they? Just curious. It sounds creative, fun and educational--things we need more of in school :)

  2. Oh, I guess I shoulda been more clear. We didn't stop the "radio show" or the trivia, we just stopped the staff trivia part of it. It IS fun, and the kids love it!


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